Solution & case

Solutions & CasesXianshan Road Pressurization Station Project

The daily water supply of Xianshan Road Pressurization Station Project is 120,000 cubic meters per day

Supporting package

Solutions & CasesShangyuan Road Pressurization Station Project

The daily water supply of Shangyuan Road Pressurization Station Project is 120,000 cubic meters per day

Supporting package

Solutions & CasesSupporting pool of Dongchuan Road pressurization station

The supporting water pool of the pressure station on Dongchuan Road, a newly built pressure pump room with a scale of 50,000 cubic meters per day, a newly built supporting water pool with an effective volume of 10,000 cubic meters, and a newly built management house for the station area with a construction area of 696 square meters. Newly built sodium hypochlorite dosing room, co-built with power distribution room and warehouse, with a construction area of 185 square meters. The Dongchuan Road Pressure Station is equipped with a pool and Tianshui Road pool to ensure the water supply of Dongli Village and the Expo.

Supporting package